The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald (50th Anniversary Edition)


   (50th Anniversary Edition)   The mystery of the Edmund Fitzgerald has haunted the public for 40 years. What really happened to the ship and her entire 29 man crew during that terrible storm on November 10, 1975?

    Did she break in two on the surface due to storm stress, strike an uncharted reef, rip apart of design or maintenance faults or did something else sink her?

    Frederick Stonehouse has studied the Fitzgerald mystery since the day she dove for the bottom of Lake Superior. While there are no provable answers, his conclusions evolved as more information gradually became available. What he thought when the first edition of this book came out in 1977 is not what he thinks today. 

    "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" provides an honest and straightforward appraisal of all the evidence and theories to enable readers to draw their own conclusion.

    "This is without a doubt the definitive work on the topic. Far more evidence, fact, history and research than can be possibly imagined has been complied into one book. Frederick Stonehouse has put forth every plausible theory and it's trail of evidence in such a manner that the reader is free to draw many of his own conclusion."

    "In my opinion, there is no author better qualified... than Frederick Stonehouse."

                                                                             Bruce Jenvey, Great Lakes Cruiser